产品描述:Recombinant Human TrkB
Recombinant Human Tropomyosin-Related Kinase B (TrkB)
Purified No Carrier Protein
(NTRK2, GP145-TrkB)
Prod. No.: T405
Source NSO Cells
Pkg. Size: 1 mg, 100 µg
Storage: -20°C to -70°C
Tropomyosin-related kinase B (TrkB) is a receptor for neurotrophins, a family of closely related proteins that are important physiological regulators of the survival of specific neurons within the peripheral nervous system (PNS) of vertebrates.1 TrkB is an independent prognostic marker in patients with gastric cancer and appears to be associated with metastatic potential.2 Trk-B pathway down-regulation may be the major pathogenesis for Major depressive disorder (MDD).3
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