产品描述:Recombinant Human P-Selectin
Recombinant Human Plasma Selectin (P-Selectin)
Purified No Carrier Protein
(SELP, CD62, CD62P, FLJ45155, Granule Membrane Protein (GMP140), GRMP, Platelet Activation-Dependent Granule to External Membrane Protein (PADGEM), PSEL)
Prod. No.: P251
Source NSO Cells
Pkg. Size: 1 mg, 50 µg
Storage: -20°C to -70°C
Plasma Selectin (P-selectin), also known CD62P and GMP-140, is a cell adhesion molecule and a member of the Selectin family. It is found in granules in endothelial cells and activated platelets. In unactivated endothelial cells, it is stored in granules Weibel-Palade bodies and α-granules in unactivated platelets (1). The P-selectin ligand, PSGL-1, plays an essential role in the initial recruitment of leukocytes to the site of injury during inflammation. During inflammation, when endothelial cells are activated by molecules such as histamine or thrombin, within minutes, P-selectin moves from an internal cell location to the endothelial cell surface. Thrombin is one trigger which can stimulate endothelial-cell release of P-selectin and recent studies suggest an additional Ca2+-independent pathway involved in the release of P-selectin (2). Acting in cooperation with L-selectin, P-selectin mediates the initial interaction of circulating leukocytes with endothelial cells that produces a characteristic “rolling” of the leukocytes on the endothelium (3). P-selectin-mediated adhesion is an important factor in the development of early atherosclerotic lesions (1).
wtyhystka yswnisrkyc qnrytdlvai qnkneidyln kvlpyyssyy wigirknnkt wtwvgtkkal tneaenwadn epnnkrnned cveiyiksps apgkwndehc lkkkhalcyt ascqdmscsk qgecletign ytcscypgfy gpeceyvrec gelelpqhvl mncshplgnf sfnsqcsfhc tdgyqvngps kleclasgiw tnkppqclaa qcpplkiper gnmtclhsak afqhqsscsf sceegfalvg pevvqctasg vwtapapvck avqcqhleap segtmdcvhp ltafaygssc kfecqpgyrv rgldmlrcid sghwsaplpt ceaisceple spvhgsmdcs pslrafqydt ncsfrcaegf mlrgadivrc dnlgqwtapa pvcqalqcqd lpvpnearvn cshpfgafry qsvcsftcne glllvgasvl qclatgnwns vppecqaipc tpllspqngt mtcvqplgss sykstcqfic degyslsgpe rldctrsgrw tdsppmceai kcpelfapeq gsldcsdtrg efnvgstchf scdngfkleg pnnvecttsg rwsatpptck giaslptpgl qcpalttpgq gtmycrhhpg tfgfnttcyf gcnagftlig dstlscrpsg qwtavtpacr avkcselhvn kpiamncsnl wgnfsygsic sfhclegqll ngsaqtacqe nghwsttvpt cqagpltiqe aiegrdmdpk scdkthtcpp cpapellggp svflfppkpk dtlmisrtpe vtcvvvdvsh edpevkfnwy vdgvevhnak tkpreeqyns tyrvvsvltv lhqdwlngke ykckvsnkal papiektisk akgqprepqv ytlppsrdel tknqvsltcl vkgfypsdia vewesngqpe nnykttppvl dsdgsfflys kltvdksrwq qgnvfscsvm healhnhytq kslslspgk