产品描述:Recombinant Mouse IL-18 BPd/Fc
Recombinant Mouse IL-18 BPd
Purified No Carrier Protein
(MC54L, Igifbp, IL-18BP, Il18bp)
Prod. No.: I-547
Source NSO Cells
Pkg. Size: 1 mg, 100 µg
Storage: -20°C to -70°C
IL-18-binding protein (IL-18BP) is a secreted glycoprotein in the IL-1 family of ligands, however, it bears no amino acid sequence homology to the membrane-associated IL-18 and IL-1 receptor proteins. IL-18BP functions as a natural anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive molecule neutralizing the effects of high IL-18 levels during inflammation (1). It is constitutively expressed and secreted in mononuclear cells and can be enhanced by IFN gamma, which suggests IL-18 activity is modulated by a negative feedback mechanism via IL-18BP. There are four known variants of IL-18BP (a, b, c & d). The isoform IL-18BPd, also known as MC54L, lacks a complete Ig domain and the ability to bind or neutralize IL-18 (2). IL-18BPd has been shown to be produced as a secreted full-length molecule that binds cell surface glycosaminoglycans in the extracellular matrix and also as a furin-cleaved form that contains only the IL-18 binding domain (3). It is related to a secreted viral protein, vIL-18BP, and may contribute to the lack of inflammatory responses characteristic of molluscum contagiosum virus lesions (4).
tsap qttatvltgs skdpcsswsp avptkqypal dviwpekevp lngtltlsct acsrfpyfsi lywlgngsfi ehlpgrlkeg htsrehrnts twlhralvle elsptlrstn fsclfvdpgq vaqyhiilaq lwdglktapp psqetlsshs pvsrsagpgv aiegrmdpks cdkthtcppc papellggps vflfppkpkd tlmisrtpev tcvvvdvshe dpevkfnwyv dgvevhnakt kpreeqynst yrvvsvltvl hqdwlngkey kckvsnkalp apiektiska kgqprepqvy tlppsrdelt knqvsltclv kgfypsdiav ewesngqpen nykttppvld sdgsfflysk ltvdksrwqq gnvfscsvmh ealhnhytqk slslspgk