产品描述:Recombinant Human IL-1 RAcP
Recombinant Human Interleukin-1 Receptor Accessory Protein (IL-1 RAcP)
Purified No Carrier Protein
(IL1RAP, IL-1R3, C3orf13, FLJ37788)
Prod. No.: I-578
Source Sf 21 Insect Cells
Pkg. Size: 1 mg, 100 µg
Storage: -20°C to -70°C
IL-1R accessory protein (IL-1RAcP) is a transmembrane protein that interacts with IL-1R and is required for IL-1 signal transduction. IL-1RAcP is an indispensible molecule in the IL-1 receptor signal transduction complex, necessary to link events on the plasma membrane level to downstream signaling pathways, allowing IL-1-dependent activation of transcription factors and gene expression.1 IL-1R AcP represents a novel target for blocking IL-1 function in human disease.2
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